The Association of Hungarian Animal Breeders is with sincere pleasure and full professional support, recommending the publication in the hands of the dear reader, as well as all the volumes of the Horse Culture series, to all horse lovers and friends who want to improve the Hungarian equestrian sector. Even with the accelerated information acquisition possibilities of our internet world today, we should not forget that for centuries the carriers of general human culture were the pages of books, and the ever-expanding knowledge of generations and the science of individual professions remained for us in specialist books. Hungarian livestock breeding, deservedly famous for centuries, has unfortunately experienced a sad period in the last two decades. The sudden change in the structure of production, the still unsolved land issue, the transfer and destruction of the food industry to foreign hands, and the lack of capital all contributed to the fact that our livestock has fallen to an all-time low. It is almost natural that in such an environment scientific activity decreases, domestic research is at a minimal level, the muses are silent". The Publisher carefully selects with good sense the works of internationally recognized experts in equestrian literature.